I just previewed Shazam: Fury of the Gods and here are my thoughts…
This movie is really fun. As I was watching it I kept thinking, finally someone remembered how to make a super hero movie. Shazam has a good story. It has lots of action, but it’s not all about the action. The fight scenes are used to add to the story, rather than being the story. You don’t have to grow up loving super heroes to enjoy this movie. Sure, it can be a little predictable at times, but when you are watching it, you don’t care. You just cheer for the good guys, the way a super hero movie should be. This is one you will want to see in the big screen.
I would give this one 4 out of 5 Falkons.

BTW: As with all super hero movies, Shazam has 2 end credit scenes.
See you this weekend. Friday and Saturday at 8:00PM and Sunday at 2:00PM.